
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Virgo Money and Career Horoscope for October 2009

Almost the whole month in October 2009 seems to be marked by an attempt to optimize the work-money ratio. It is to be expected for several profitable offers to appear.

The first ten days of October 2009 might bring you in the position of making a more serious choice. You'll benefit from going with the more secure and wiser solution, even if it's more difficult and it doesn't promise immediate results.

The second half of the month will favor success.

Virgo Love and Relationships Horoscope for October 2009

The first part of October 2009 will make you face a relational situation on which you have to reflect, that might need a choice, a decision. A friend could help see things more clearly, to decide more easily what you have to do.

The second part of October 2009 can also bring you happy moments, due to the trines the ruler of the house of couples, Jupiter, will make with Venus (the planet of love) and Mercury (the ruler of Virgo).